Sunday, May 23, 2010

Race One MWOC 2010

Qualifying Order
  1. Gene Hinders................79 Fairmont...........0.026
  2. Jim McConeghey..........86 Camaro.............0.043
  3. Bill Lehman...................68 Mustang............0.045
  4. Jason Neshiem.............70 Mustang............0.048
  5. Corey Herman..............79 ElCamino...........0.054
  6. Eric Youngblood...........02 Mustang............0.057
  7. Brian Davis....................69 Chevelle............0.269
  8. Eric Sloan.......................86 Mustang...........0.283
  9. John Miller....................70 Nova.................-0.009

Round One

NAME............... RT....... Index........ ET....... MPH ........W/L

Jim McConeghey...0 .045------ 9.45------ 9.624----- 116.07----- W

Eric Youngblood....0 .067 -----12.07 -----12.332 -----113.64------ L

Jim McConeghey's holeshot aided in his win over Eric Youngblood in the first race of the first round.


Jason Neshiem ...0.003 ------10.69 -----10.856----- 124.38 ------W

Eric Sloan ...........0.265 ------13.64 -----13.419------ 105.82 ------L

Jason Nehiem's near perfect reaction time in his winning run didn't leave any room for error for Eric Sloan as both racers were a bit off their indexes.


John Miller.......0 .036 ------10.32------ 10.401----- 123.59 -------W

Corey Herman ....1.61------ 10.20------- 10.201 -----131.87 -------L

Corey Herman's nearly dead-on pass still missed the mark as John Miller's holeshot aided pass was too much to overcome.


Bill Lehman.....0 .449---- 10.22 ------10.313------ 119.67 --------W

Brian Davis --Foul -------12.62--------- Broke -------------------L

Brian Davis's wild day ended against Bill Lehman who cruised on to an easy pass after Brian redlit at the start.


Gene Hinders....0 .034------ 10.39----- 10.391 ------129.47 -------W

As #1 Qualifier Gene Hinders recieved the bye-run due to the odd number of cars and ran a near dead-on pass, missing it by .001 of a second.



NAME...... RT ..........INDEX........... ET.......... MPH......... W/L

Jason Neshiem ....0.033 ---10.69 ------10.818 ----124.03 --------W

Gene Hinders.......0.173 ----10.39 -----10.378----- 127.28 --------L

Jason's good reaction and Gene's bad reaction time sealed the race for Jason's '70 Mustang as Gene was forced to 'break-out' trying to run down Jason.


Bill Lehman ........-.102 ---10.22 -----10.115------ 132.23 ----------W

John Miller........ -.003--- 10.32 -----21.278 --------52.71 ----------L

John's redlight came first and gave the win to Bill even though Bill's light was worse it didn't matter at that point....advantage to being the quiker car.


Jim McConeghey...0 .026---9.45 ----9.418-------- 143.84-------- W

Jim made a nice pass on his bye-run and was able to see where his car was really at.



NAME............ RT.... INDEX......... ET ..........MPH........... W/L

Jim McConeghey..0 .101 ---9.45---- 9.418 -----143.41 ---------W

Jason Neshiem ...-.018----10.69 ---10.872----- 123.87 ---------L

Jason's redlight handed the win over to Jim who laid down a run identical to his previous pass, even though he was under his index the win was his due to Jason's foul start.


Bill Lehman...........0 .032 --10.22 ---10.116 -----124.67 ------W

Bill also used the bye-run to gauge where his car was at, he'd need to slow it up a bit for the finals so as not to break-out.



NAME.......... RT........INDEX.... ET ..........MPH ........W/L

Jim McConeghey....0 .138 -----9.45 ----9.480 -------123.76------ W

Bill Lehman.............0 .007 ----10.22 ---10.173 -------122.74 -------L

Bill had a huge advantage at the start via the .007 reaction time but his pass was too quick off of his index and Jim's 9.48 off of his 9.45 index was the winning pass.


It was good to get back out to track finally for the first round of the Midwest Open Comp Series, the day was a bit hectic as the track had alot on the schedule despite it being billed primarily as a Test&Tune day.

It was definitley a warm and muggy day but everyone had the same conditions to deal with. You could tell it was the first race of the season based on the wide range of reaction times everyone was dealing with...we had a great turnout for the race and hopefully a few others will join the fray at the next event.

Brian Davis was the winner of one of the 25.00 Gift Certificate that Quick Fuel Technology has donated for each one of our five races...we had planned on handing these outto each events #1 Qualifier but being that I (Gene Hinders) was the #1 qualifier and that I am a dealer for and sponsored by QuickFuel I decided that since that was the case we'd put the other eight drivers names into a hat and have the CFR track personel draw one name to recieve the certificate.

Round Two will be June 12th at Cedar Falls Raceway...Hope to see ya there!