Sunday, August 21, 2005

Rounds Two & Three

Round Two & Three
Midwest OpenComp Series.....JUNE 18 & 19 2005
Presented By ELIMN8U.COM & MustangCentral.Net

The turnout for round three and four of the Midwest OpenComp Series was fantastic the weekend of June 18-19 at Cedar Falls Raceway.With well over 100 cars in attendance for the Ford Shootout Weekend we had sixteen entries for the Saturday OpenComp race...Sunday's attendance was about half of that...I don't know if that's because it was Father's Day or if alot of folks just don't want to stick it out for a two day race?Saturday's field was led by the fast and beuatiful 87 T-Bird of Mike Hinsch at a 8.90 and bookended by the equally beautiful but not quite as fast 95 Mustang that belonged to Lori Simpson at a 15.07 index.

1. Mike Hinsch..........87 T-Bird......??????????......................8. 90
2. Josh Knudsen........79 Stang......Itontenac,MN...................9.50
3. Steve Olson.........79 Stang.......New Richmond,WI.............9.82
4. Bill Lehman...........68 Stang.......Boone,IA........................9.83
5. Paul Burkland.......88Stang.....InnerGroveHghts,MN.........10.43
6. Gene Hinders........79 Fairmont...Hudson,IA.....................10.50
7. Phil Tenney..........62 Fairlane...???????????....................10.68
8. Tim Kroneman.......72 Pinto.......Austin,MN......................10.74
9. Jason Neshiem......70 Mach 1....Mazeppa,MN..................11.45
10. Mark Weerheim....88 Stang......Rochester,MN................11.65
11. Jeff Biddle...........89 Stang......???????????..................11.74
12. Jim Winters Sr......65 Falcon.....ClearLake,IA.................12.41
13. Erik Lawson.........81 280ZX.....Winona,MN...................12.53
14. Eric Sloan...........86 Stang......Boone,IA......................14.30
15. Farnk Haaland......95 Stang.....???????????...................14.39
16. Lori Simpson.........95 Stang.....???????????..................15.07

Steve Olson-------.067---------9.82-----------9.910----127.39
Jeff Biddle---------.155---------11.74--------12.318-----114.98

Phil Tenney-------.087---------10.68----------11.168----97.71
Frank Haaland-----.640----------14.39---------14.591----97.86

Josh Knudsen-----.054----------9.50----------9.528-----145.44
Mark Weerheim---.053---------11.65----------11.620----109.59

Jason Neshiem----.064---------11.45---------11.471----118.28
Mike Hinsch-------.032----------8.90---------8.979-----153.33

Tim Kroneman-----.060---------10.74--------10.938----102.28
Lori Simpson------.696---------15.07---------15.054-----90.55

Bill Lehman---------.037---------9.83---------9.893----135.50
Jim Winters Sr------foul-(-.001)-12.41--------12.450----105.41

Gene Hinders------.189---------10.50--------10.524----123.01
Eric Sloan---------.300---------14.30---------14.166----96.78

Erik Lawson-------.084---------12.53---------12.586----111.45
Paul Burklan-------BROKE--------------------------------BROKE

Phil Tenney-------.008-----------10.68----10.801----120.77
Steve Olson------.096-------------9.82-----9.911-----137.37

Jason Neshiem---.117-----------11.45----11.575----109.20
Erik Lawson-------.069-----------12.53----12.836----106.79

Bill Lehman--------.040------------9.83-----9.955-----130.89
Tim Kroneman----.111-----------10.74----10.820----122.98

Josh Knudsen-----.004------------9.50-----9.658-----129.93
Gene Hinders-----.153-----------10.50----10.487----128.73

Jason Neshiem-----.083--------11.45------11.491----118.14
Phil Tenney---------.086--------10.68------10.806-----126.58

Josh Knudsen------.235---------9.50--------9.951-----111.94
Bill Lehman---------foul-(-.025)-9.83-------9.927------135.40

Josh Knudsen-----.006----------9.50--------9.665------129.13
Jason Neshiem----.230---------11.45------11.486-----118.19

Steve Olson and Jeff Biddle began the eliminations with a battle between Mustangs. Jeff's off pace 12.31 on an index of 11.74 was no match for Steve's .067 initiated pass of a 9.91 on his 9.82 index.

Next up was the big-block powered 62 Fairlane of Phil Tenney against new-comer Frank Haaland in his 95 Mustang. Wiley ole Phil was first to the stripe with his 11.16 pass (10.68 index) as Frank had missed his wake-up call at the lights and altough he was closer to his index (14.59 off a 14.39 index) his day was over.
Josh Knudsen was up next with the 2003 MWOC Champion Mark Weerheim in the other lane...what a race that one was! In what had to be the closest race of the day Josh took the win light by running a 9.52 off of his 9.50 index while Mark had an .001 advantage at the lights his 11.62 was too quick for his 11.65 index...took too much stripe at the finish.
Jason Neshiem and his gorgous '70 Mach 1 took out the number one qualifer, Mike Hinsch's very fast T-Bird by running an 11.47 off of his 11.45 index. Mike held a .03 advantage off the line but his 8.97 fell short of his 8.90 index. (A side-note: We had held a driver meeting and voted on allowing Mike to run his sub-9 second one wanted to deny Mike a shot at running after having traveled nearly 300 miles to get here in the first place).
The 460 motivated '72 Pinto driven by Tim Kroneman was our nest round winner as his better reaction time forced Lori Simpson to breakout trying to get the win...a 10.93 pass on a 10.74 index covered the ladies 15.05 pass on her 15.07 index.
The next pair out featured some vintage iron, a '65 Falcon driven by Jim Winters Sr. and a '68 Mustang Fastback piloted by Bill Lehman. Bill came out the victor with a 9.89 pass off his 9.83 index as Jim went red at the start with a -.001 reaction time. His 12.45 pass on his 12.41 would've been hard to beat if the light would've been a green one.
The next pair out featured the the finalists in the MWOC season opener at Tri-State Raceway: Eric Sloan in his 86 Mustang GT and Gene Hinders in his 79 Fairmont. Once again Gene came out on top as his 10.52 off of a 10.50 index covered Eric's breakout pass of a 14.16 on a 14.30 index.
Paul Burkland couldn't make it to the lanes to face Eril Lawson's small-block Chevy powered 280ZX due o a bad mix of large amounts of N20 not agreeing with his Mustangs crankshaft and rods...Erik mad a nice pass of a 12.58 off of his 12.53 on a solo shot to end the first round.
In the quarter-finals it was Phil Tenney over Steve Olson with a fantastic .008 reaction time the key. Jason Neshiem was able to overcome a bad reaction time to take the win over Erik Lawson. Bill Lehman took the light and the stripe over Tim Kroneman. Josh Knudsen had the best reaction time of the race that forced Gene Hinders to breakout trying to take the win.
Jason Neshiem and Phil Tenney had a close race to start the semi-finals with Jason's Mach 1 coming out on top. Josh Knudsen continued on into the fianl round when Bill Lehman's -.025 reation time ended his day of racing.
Jason's pass of 11.48 on his 11.45 index would've been good enough to win more than a few rounds of racing normally but Josh's .006 reaction was the key to his winning the race with a run of a 9.66 off of his 9.50 index.

Sunday's event wasn't quite as large but the racing was no less intense as Bill Lehman's 68 Mustang led the way with a 9.72 and Ed Stettin brought up the rear in his "back-up" Mercury Sable at a 16.04 (the new transmission for his 'lil coupe was stuck at a UPS depot).

1. Bill Lehman.........68 Stang.........Boone,IA...................9.72
2. Gene Hinders.....79 Fairmont.....Hudson,IA..................10.41
3. Jason Neshiem...70 Mach 1........Mazeppa,MN..............11.35
4. Mark Weerheim..87 Stang..........Rochester,MN.............11.50
5. Wade Poyner.....80 Firebird........Waterloo,IA...............11.91
6. Jim Winters Sr....65 Falcon..........ClearLake,IA.............12.29
7. Mat Peirce........ .03 Lincoln..........Davenport,IA............15.44
8. Ed Stettin..........03 Sable............Ames,IA..................16.04

Mark Weerheim------.071--------11.50-----11.810-----92.23
Ed Stettin--------------.418-----16.04-----16.180-----86.35

Jason Neshiem--------.112-------11.35-----11.626----103.22
Mat Peirce--------------.708-----15.44-----15.647-----89.96

Bill Lehman-------------.078------9.72-------9.873-----136.48
Wade Poyner----------foul(-.004)-11.91-----11.879----114.13

Jim Winters Sr---------.017------12.29-----12.378-----104.81
Gene Hinders---------.178-------10.41-----10.365-----129.98

Mark Weerheim------.073--------11.50------11.497-----115.17
Jim Winters Sr--------foul(-.022)-12.29------12.433-----106.59

Jason Neshiem------.065---------11.35------11.461-----118.25
Bill Lehman-----------.032---------9.72-------9.909-----135.93

Mark Weerheim-----.038---------11.50------11.535-----107.19
Jason Neshiem------.186---------11.35------11.448-----119.26

The racing Sunday began with Mark Weerheim putting an end to Ed Stettin's day of racing...Ed's unfamiliarity with an automatic may have led to his downfall (his new manual transmission for his Mustang was stuck on a UPS truck somewhere) not to mention that Mark had a huge advantage off the line.
Jason Neshiem found the winning track once again with his Mach 1 as he outed MustangCentral's own Mat Peirce driving the classes classiest ride...a Lincoln LS. A substantial reaction time advantage allowed Jason to run an 11.62 off of his 11.35 index and still take the win.
Wade Poyner's -.004 foul ended the day for the classes only non-Ford entry of the day and Bill Lehman's 68 Mustang moved on to the next round running a 9.87 pass.
The 65 Falcon of Jim Winters Sr posted a nice .017 reaction time and ran a 12.37 off of his 12.29 index, which proved to be more than a late leaving Gene Hinders could overcome with his 79 Fairmont that brokeout with a run of 10.365 on a 10.41 index.
The Semi-Finals had Mark Weerheim taking the win over a red-lighting Jim Winters Sr and Jason Neshiem took the win when Bill Lehman couldn't quite run the number.
It was to be two runner-up finishes in one weekend for Jason as his 11.44 on a 11.35 index was no match for Mark's great run of an 11.53 on his 11.50 index and a nice .038 reaction time as well...
Congrats to both days Winners and Runner-Ups as well...the racing was excellent and we look forward to the series next race at Cordova in September as well as the season finale at Cedar Falls in October.
A few words of thanks to the staff at Cedar Falls Raceway for hosting the event, to Tags-N-More for the racer awards, to Mat of MustangCentral.Net, to Gene Hinders of EIMN8U.COM for organizing the race, and to everyone who showed up to race or just to spectate.